Sunday 17 August 2008

The Difference between a Residual and Spirit Link!

Residual - quite literally what is left over! Someone’s actions, an event, and so on can be soaked up as such, retained within a room, the building, an object that you are investigating. At this point any information you would be giving is something you have gone out of your way to gain. This is purely on a psychic level.
Never dismiss this type of information as secondary or inferior to getting information direct from the spirit world. All information gained goes towards the jigsaw that you are putting the pieces together as a team. Working together, using varying skills to get a better and clearer understanding of the history of that location. Everything counts! Everything matters and everyone has there integral part to play as part of an investigation team.Also if you are a developing medium, if at any time the lead medium tells you, what information you are giving “is wrong” or dismisses what you have to say as “unimportant” Still ask for it still to be noted, think about it. How the hell do they know what is right or wrong unless they have studied the history of the place beforehand, and if this is the case nothing that lead medium says can be counted as evidence. If you are a lead medium on an investigation, never dismiss what an inexperienced medium has to say. An investigation is good training ground for these guys. Help them, guide them, share with them everything you have experienced and learnt. Knowledge is to be shared not held back. Always remember no one is the star when it comes to mediumship. You are always in service to spirit whether in a church or on an investigation. And that means ego can never come into mediumship at anytime!
When working on a residual link, time periods etc are harder to work out because you are not being given the information. So work with the information you have already… Clothes, sounds what era would you place these in?

Live/Spirit links – The information you give to the team will simply be given to you by the spirit world. So the information comes to you. Not you are going out of your way to get it. All you have to do is translate the information, images, sensations, sounds that you are receiving!
It is worth noting that it is very easy to feel the difference between the two. Working on a residual/psychic level the information actually feels like your pulling teeth at times.With a spirit/Live link the information is more forthcoming. This is because someone is giving you that info and so making things far much easier for you as a medium. This is about team work at all levels, never forget that!

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